Work with Pamela Downes

Trance Channeler and Psychic Intuitive

Discover Ways to Unveil Your Soul's Purpose and Help You Navigate Your Spiritual Awakening Journey with Ease

Curious About Your Life or Direction?

Connect with Pamela to tap into your guides and the Great Council of Light and receive a Personalized Channeled Message. Pamela can also work with you to help you integrate the feedback from your Guides directly into your life.

Personal Channeled Message

$ 150
  • Submit Question
  • Channeled Message
  • Personalized Response

Channeled Deep Dive

$ 400
  • Everything in PCM plus...
  • 30-minute Consult Call
  • Personalized Sound Healing Selection
  • BONUS: 30-day Spirit Calling Membership

Awakening Accelerator

$ 1100
  • 3 Channeled Messages
  • 3 30-minute Consult Calls
  • 3 Personalized Sound Healing Selections
  • BONUS: 90-day Spirit Calling Membership

About Trance Channeling and Psychic Intuitive Work

Pamela has access to profound insights and glimpses into the future and has honed her skills as a trance channeler over many years. With joy in her heart, Pamela utilizes this wisdom to guide individuals in understanding their spirit and fulfilling their soul’s purpose.

Let Pamela and the Great Council of Light accompany you on your extraordinary spiritual journey. Together, we unlock the fullest potential within.

Who is The Great Council of Light?

Discover the Beings Behind the Guidance

The Great Council of Light is an infinite collective of higher dimensional beings who work with Pamela as their vessel to transfer messages of love, support, and guidance to help assist humanity in creating our best life. They also help us see and make sense of what is happening in our world and how we can best show up as we step into our own personal higher calling.

What Others Say About Pamela’s Work

Watch testimonials from people who have worked with Pamela and the Great Council of Light. Hear how their lives have been positively impacted through these profound sessions.

Join our Spiritual


A Safe Space for Growth, Sharing, and Connection

A channeled message is an extremely powerful tool, but transformation is easier with a community that has your back throughout your spiritual journey.

Our community offers a wealth of resources, including videos, books, events, sound healings, courses, and workshops. It’s a place to grow, share, and create meaningful connections.

Plus, you’ll be able to ask questions, stay connected to Pamela, and get other updates from the Council inside.