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You Are Not Alone

Discovering and exploring your spiritual curiosity is a journey that you don’t have to take alone. Spirit Calling is demystifying spirituality and holistic healing with support, education, and tools to help you along the way. You can enhance your spirituality and find new ways of healing and living that resonate with you. Spirit Calling has everything you need to help you on your new path.


Meet Pamela Downes, the Visionary Behind Spirit Calling. 

Pamela founded Spirit Calling to help guide people through their spiritual awakening. The Spirit Calling online community offers classes and tools to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Members have access to practitioners who lead monthly calls and answer questions. With guidance from the Great Council of Light, they offer support to those on their spiritual journey. Join Spirit Calling today to connect with like-minded individuals and discover the power of community and divine guidance.

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